Relaxation Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Prenatal Massage

Sports Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Oncology Massage

Intern Massage

Post Surgical Massage

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation Massage - 30 Min


Relaxation Massage - 60 Min


Relaxation Massage - 90 Min


Relaxation Massage - 120 Min


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 60 Min


Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a gentle, hands-on technique that works to attain proper functioning of the body’s lymphatic system. Critical to health and vitality, the lymphatic system drains stagnant fluids in tissue, regenerates tissues, filters toxins, detoxifies the body, and maintains the health of the immune system.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 90 Min


Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 120 Min


Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage - 60 Min


Prenatal massage relieves common pregnancy symptoms such as muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain commonly experienced in the lower back, neck, shoulders, hips, and legs. Swelling of the extremities (arms, hands, legs, and feet) can also be reduced.

Prenatal Massage - 90 Min


Prenatal Massage - 120 Min


Sports Massage

Sports Massage - 30 min


Sports massage encompasses many modalities such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Neuromuscular techniques, but we decide which one will be best for the client based on their training, competition, and recovery schedules. For example, if you are competing on the day following your appointment, aggressive deep tissue work can impede your performance by inducing inflammation, so medium pressure circulatory work would be a better choice to prepare to compete.

Sports Massage - 60 min


Sports Massage - 90 min


Sports Massage - 120 min


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage - 30 min


The term “deep tissue” is often misunderstood as deep pressure massage. While deep pressure may or may not be utilized, the term is mostly referencing the structures that are being addressed. Any massage that is applied with the intention of changing the tissue, is technically considered deep tissue.

Deep Tissue Massage - 60 min


Deep Tissue Massage - 90 min


Deep Tissue Massage - 120 min

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage - 30 Min


Clients seeking massage therapy while going through cancer treatment, living with cancer or recovering from cancer, would be best served by a therapist trained specifically in massage for oncology. It is important for therapists to have a thorough understanding of common cancer treatments, their effect on the body and how massage can help or hinder clients.

Oncology Massage - 60 Min


Oncology Massage - 90 Min


Oncology Massage - 120 Min


Intern Massage

Intern Massage - 30 Min


Intern Massage - 60 Min


Intern Massage - 90 Min


Intern Massage - 120 Min


Post Surgical Massage

Post Surgical Massage - 90 Min


Post Surgical Massage - 30 Min


Post Surgical Massage - 60 Min


Post Surgical Massage - 120 Min
